Starting date of the event: 2021-05-19
Ending date of the event: 2021-05-21
Event venue (city, country): ONLINE, Belgrade, Serbia
Working language: English
Sector: School Education (SE), Vocational education and training (VET), Adult Education (AE)
Coordinating NA: Foundation Tempus
Profile of participants:
- School psychologists, pedagogues
- Teachers
- Career guidance counsellors in schools
- Scholl principles
- Homeroom teachers
Themes and goals of the event:
Career guidance and counselling (CGC) is the key mechanism for thedevelopment of career management skills crucial for the contemporary worldof work which is dynamic and ever-changing. These skills are recognised asone of key transversal competencies necessary to all, no matter of the field oftheir interest and future job. These skills develop throughout the education andtraining, personal experience in everyday life etc. School is recognised as oneof the key places for the development of these skills through well-planned andorganized career guidance and counselling activities. In order to be effective,career guidance activities should be timely, continuous and adjusted to theneeds of students. Student needs might differ depending on their age, leveland type of education they are currently attending etc. Career guidance andcounselling of students from vulnerable groups, that might have had limitedaccess to quality information and not enough encouragement to make well-informed career decisions is even more sensitive question, and CGC activitiesshould be carefully carried out. Well-planned and organised career-relatedsupport to students from vulnerable groups can encourage them to be moreproactive towards their career development, motivate them for learning andeducation, prevent dropping out, etc. The aim of this seminar is to present keyelements of supportive career guidance and counselling services for studentsfrom vulnerable groups, examples of methods and techniques that can beused and further explore common ground with career guidance services ingeneral and specificities of career guidance services for some specific targetgroups.
Expected results:
- During this seminar participants will:form shared understanding of the concept of career guidance andcounselling through active discussions;
- improve understanding of specific needs of students and differentways of addressing these needs through career guidance andcounselling;
- learn about methods and techniques for stirring involvement ofstudents is the career development proces;
- develop a plan of supportive and encouraging career guidanceservices;
- develop new ideas through sharing of the experience;
- build transnational and interdisciplinary networks with other colleagues
More information can be found on the website:
W szkoleniu mogą wziąć udział osoby pełnoletnie, których profil zawodowy oraz profil instytucji odpowiadają tematyce i celom wydarzenia, a stopień znajomości języka, w którym prowadzone będzie wydarzenie, pozwala na aktywny udział.
Dysponujemy 2. miejscami na to wydarzenie dla polskich uczestników.
Zgłoszenie – do 10 kwietnia 2021 roku.
Osoby zainteresowane mogą się zgłaszać za pośrednictwem formularza zgłoszeniowego na stronie:
Warunki uczestnictwa:
Wydarzenie finansowane ze środków programów Erasmus+
Obowiązkowe jest uczestnictwo w CAŁOŚCI wydarzania.